
Mamaw's 75th birthday!

We celebrated Mamaw's 75th birthday this past weekend at my parents' house with lots and lots of family...

...and a big cake...

...and a ton of presents...

...and we all got to play with Parker, who gets cuter all the time.

By the end of the weekend I was exhausted, drove home, and did this. It was a happy day.


We went on a field trip.

Corie & I went to the Long Beach Aquarium last week:

Floating jellies!

Heart-shaped anemone.

We thought this would make a great movie if it were about humans and not fish.

Just like "Finding Nemo."



baby hummingbirds!

Their nest is on a tree branch right on my patio & they are so cute.


i went to comic con and lived to tell the tale.

Back in January or February, I lost a bet to David and because I lost I had to go to Comic Con this year. David has been going for years and I always swore I would never go. Anyway, I went and it wasn't so bad. It was even fun most of the time. Here are some pictures of my adventure:

We actually stood in this line & now I don't even remember what we saw. The line to see the LOST panel the next day was at least 3 times as long! These people are SERIOUS.

This is the room that the LOST panel was in and we aren't even at the very back! This was easily my favorite part of the whole thing.

This is Hans von Eeghen, of the Dharma Initiative.

Matthew Fox was there, so at least there was something nice to look at :) That's Damon Lindelof next to him, one of the creators of the show.

Just a small taste of the costumes. There are lots of costumes.

Judd Apatow, of Knocked Up, Superbad, 40 Year Old Virgin fame.

And Seth Rogan, who is pretty much famous for the same things.

We were really tired by the end, but it was fun and I even told David that I would go next year, so it couldn't have been that bad!


oh, also...

...you should take a gander to that links section to your left and look at David's pictures (because he is talented at that) and his blog (if you feel the need for some random hilarity).

wie geht's?

Since my last post I have:

Gone bowling with Corie and Jared and got my highest score ever (not impressive enough to tell you, though).

Watched one of my favorite bands (The Autumns) play their last show for awhile.

Celebrated our anniversary.

Baked a cake from scratch.

Made David eat it, even if he does look concerned about that prospect here. (He liked it, though.)

Met my new "cousin," Parker. He is the cutest baby alive.

Caught and killed this creature.

Convinced David there's room for me and a car in his life. Just kidding. He likes me more than the car. I think. :)

I'm taking a German class which is actually almost finished and is going well if you don't mind sexist German professors. Comic Con is next weekend (expect LOTS of pictures, probably in most of which I will look frightened or be laughing hysterically, or a combination of both).

All in all, life is good. Go see The Dark Knight.



a dozen daisies.

Here's what I bought at the farmer's market this morning. I love the farmer's market. And I guess I really like to buy things in twos.